G&G signs are the leading signmakers and
street name plate suppliers in the UK. We supply street name
plates to around 65% of councils and local authorities with
a vast range of specifications, along with “specials” for
individual schemes.

All street name plates are manufactured from
11swg SIC half hard (99% pure) aluminium using die-pressed
semi sheared lettering, according to individual council or
local authority specifications.
We also comply in every respect with the Department
for Environment’s requirements.

Die-pressed type ensures a raised 3D effect
is produced. This is more effective and durable than flat
adhesive lettering.
Die-pressed type ensures a raised 3D effect
is produced. More effective and durable than flat adhesive
lettering. The styles used are either 100mm, 75mm and 50mm
high MOT, or 90mm and 50mm Kindersley text. All plates have
a 12.5mm bead. The standard depths for a single line nameplate
are 150mm or 225mm with the length calculated according to
the number of characters.
Any size can be produced to the customers
requirements. Max size 1.8M x1.2M. A wide range of colour
combinations are available in both reflective and non-reflective
This product can be mounted on to a wide
range of galvanised and recycled support frames all to a wide
range of colour combinations